ECOLENE™ is the Immediate Green Solution Transitioning the Transportation Industry
Away from Fossil Fuels
ECOLENE™ is carbon-neutral – does not contribute to global warming
ECOLENE™ is produced using readily available and renewable biomass sources such as municipal sewage and compostable materials that otherwise go to landfill
Only fossil free electricity is used to manufacture ECOLENE™
the process uses solar, wind, and other sustainable sources of energy
tapping into otherwise idled capacity during periods of low demand is an ideal way to optimize the use of generation infrastructure
ECOLENE™ is a high hydrogen content fuel, making it a perfect source of hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles fitted with reformers
eliminates the safety concerns of hydrogen storage in vehicles
reduces the urgency to develop all-new hydrogen dispensing infrastructure to support the hydrogen transportation industry since existing filling stations and means of distribution will suffice
An additional step in the process easily converts ECOLENE™ to dimethyl ether (DME) – an excellent diesel fuel replacement without the negative environmental impact normally associated with diesel
Aside from being an alternative transportation fuel, ECOLENE™ may be used
as fuel to produce electricity in standalone generator
as a feedstock for chemicals, plastics, synthetics, paints, pharmaceuticals and other products
ECOLENE™ production is readily scalable – a proven process employing existing and well-tested technologies
anaerobic digestion of biomass to produce biogas
electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen
partial oxidation
ECOLENE™, as a liquid storage medium for hydrogen, can be safely transported in large volumes for the hydrogen industry